Spending by Sector by Focus Area by Program

EIP Investments by Funding Sector, Focus Area and Program. Data is aggregated from reported expenditures from projects in all stages.

Recent Years (2010 - 2024) EIP Investment

EIP Programs Federal Local Private State California State Nevada Total
01 - Watersheds and Water Quality $745,591,984
01.01 - Stormwater Management Program $102,012,117 $65,140,298 $68,326,995 $301,677,202 $48,491,875 $585,648,487
01.02 - Watershed Restoration Program $54,200,257 $7,948,200 $5,482,747 $35,515,485 $4,972,548 $108,119,237
01.03 - Aquatic Invasive Species Program $21,488,087 $2,365,497 $13,152,643 $10,306,307 $4,511,726 $51,824,260
02 - Forest Health $200,310,004
02.02 - Forest Restoration Program $24,569,432 $553,977 $951,493 $1,350,506 $3,074,872 $30,500,280
02.01 - Community Wildfire Protection Program $94,712,308 $20,764,457 $7,693,366 $24,656,842 $21,982,751 $169,809,724
03 - Sustainable Recreation and Transportation $533,338,959
03.02 - Transportation Program $136,979,280 $104,465,699 $10,193,023 $65,880,525 $54,323,067 $371,841,594
03.01 - Sustainable Recreation Program $27,520,067 $44,548,568 $50,569,998 $23,741,646 $15,117,086 $161,497,365
04 - Science, Stewardship, and Accountability $47,503,431
04.02 - Stewardship Program $4,939,371 $876,561 $2,150,022 $2,036,689 $372,229 $10,374,872
04.01 - Science Program $21,644,016 $6,258,063 $1,800,751 $4,800,365 $2,625,364 $37,128,559
Grand Total $488,064,935 $252,921,320 $160,321,038 $469,965,567 $155,471,518 $1,526,744,378