There is broad consensus that to meet the growing travel demand the Tahoe Region needs a transportation system transformation. Improvements are needed to help people travel to, from, and around the Tahoe regional more efficiently. In the next 10 years, the EIP partnership will implement bold solutions to traffic problems and continue to shift an auto-dominated transportation system to a system that integrates many modes and travel options. EIP partners will close critical gaps to implement a systematic, coordinated transportation system that connects people to town centers and recreation destinations.
In 2017, the states of California and Nevada convened a Bi-State Consultation on Transportation to work with public and private partners on ways to accelerate transportation improvements at Lake Tahoe. The consultation created a 10-year Transportation Action Plan that identifies top-priority projects, services, and fair-share funding commitments from federal, state, local, and private sector partners. Achieving the action plan will strengthen transit services to double ridership, build 32 miles of bike and pedestrian paths to link residential, commercial, and recreation areas, and deploy new technologies to put real-time travel and parking information at people’s fingertips.
Miles of city, county and state roads that are swept to reduce stormwater pollution during each EIP reporting year as part of regular operations and maintenance procedures. Capital stormwater infrastructure improvement activities are captured by other PMs. Sweeping streets reduces a major source of pollutants in stormwater runoff that flows to Lake Tahoe and works toward reducing clarity loss.
Environmental Improvement Program
Environmental Improvement Program
Number of polluting wood stoves that are removed or replaced in the Tahoe Basin each year. Removing polluting wood stoves works to reduce local air pollution for human and ecosystem health.
Environmental Improvement Program
Constructed: Bicycle and pedestrian routes are constructed when a new route is built on a previously unoccupied site.
Improved: Bicycle and pedestrian routes are considered improved when an action is taken to enhance an existing route for the benefit of public transit.
Environmental Improvement Program
Modeled estimates of the amount of air pollution avoided due to implementation of projects in the Tahoe Basin. Projects include compact development, street sweeping and removing non-compliant wood stoves. Reducing air pollution increases air quality for human and ecosystem health, improves visibility, and helps to reverse Lake Tahoe clarity loss.
Environmental Improvement Program
Environmental Improvement Program
Environmental Improvement Program
Environmental Improvement Program