04 - Science, Stewardship, and Accountability


Lake Tahoe faces an uncertain future with the effects of climate change. Investing in science and research to understanding changing lake dynamics and the basin’s ecosystem response to extreme weather events is critical to inform today’s management decisions. EIP managers must also learn more about the interwoven human, social and ecosystem dynamics to inform management decisions in a time of increased visitorship.  In 2015, the Tahoe Science Advisory Council (TSAC) was formed by a Memorandum of Understanding between the states of California and Nevada to work hand in hand with land managers to drive new research and adaptive management.  

Another important component in ensuring the longevity of the EIP is engaging Tahoe communities and visitors in restoration and stewardship. Cultivating environmental stewards is imperative to caring for the resource and improving people’s experience in Lake Tahoe. Today EIP partners strive to speak with one voice, engage the community in citizen-science, involve the public in collaborative decision making, and provide full transparency on how EIP investments are made.  With the launch of LT INFO – a comprehensive online tool for tracking the EIP, the public can now see real-time information on spending and results from implementation of the program.

Goals of the Science, Stewardship, and Accountability Focus Area are:

  • Implement leading-edge science to continuously improve projects and promote adaptive management.
  • Protect EIP investments and benefits
  • Maintain transparency and accountability
  • Cultivate environmental stewardship
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