Runoff from developed land is one of the largest sources of fine sediment and other pollutants in Lake Tahoe. Precipitation that falls on impervious surfaces (i.e., rooftops, driveways, compacted dirt) runs off and flows into roadside drainage channels. This runoff then combines with stormwater from roads to produce a large volume of water containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and fine sediment that drains into the Lake. Water volume and stormwater runoff from roadways and developed land is a major contributor to Lake Tahoe’s clarity decline. The Lake Tahoe TMDL identifies the pressing need to address this runoff in order to achieve water quality standards at Lake Tahoe.
To reduce erosion and stormwater runoff, erosion control projects, BMPs, and advance treatment methods are implemented. Projects will reduce both the volume of water and the amount of fine sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus from the road networks and private and public developed land that drains into Lake Tahoe.
Projects include:
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Some projects operate over larger areas and are not represented on the map, but are listed in the project grid below. A full-screen, filterable version of this map is also available.