Lake Tahoe EIP

P083: Incorporating Project-Level Analysis and Enhanced Decision Support into the OptFuels Fuel Treatment Planning System for the LTB

Project Number
Action Priority
Conduct Applied Scientific Research
U.S. Forest Service – Rocky Mountain Research Station
Primary Contact
Kat McIntyre (
2011 - 2013
Science Program Conduct Applied Scientific Research
A geographic information system-based decision support system, called OptFuels, was developed as part of a SNPLMA-funded project for spatially scheduling forest fuel treatments over multiple planning periods in the Lake Tahoe Basin. OptFuels combines the vegetation simulation capabilities of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS), the landscape fire behavior modeling functionality of the Minimum Travel Time algorithm in FlamMap (FlamMap-MTT), and a heuristic algorithm for scheduling fuel treatments. This integrated system provides land managers with a streamlined ability to develop spatiotemporal fuel treatment alternatives and assess trade-offs among various alternatives and no action.

Key Accomplishments

Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of project

Threshold Categories

  • Vegetation Preservation

No Key Photo provided for this Project



Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $138,497
(Estimated Cost: $138,497)
Southern Nevada Public ... (USFS - PSW): $138,497


No additional photos provided

Project Fact Sheet Data as of 12/04/2024