P097: Quantifying the Potential for a Low-Cost Distributed Stormwater Detention System using LIDAR and Remotely Sensed Data
Project Number
Action Priority
Conduct Applied Scientific Research
UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center
Primary Contact
Patricia Maloney (pemaloney@ucdavis.edu)
2011 - 2013
Science Program
Conduct Applied Scientific Research
This project sought to utilize these LiDAR data and other remotely sensed data to identify and quantify the potential to develop stormwater detention and infiltration areas based on small-scale patterns of land topography. Utilizing the high vertical accuracy and resolution inherent in the existing LiDAR data set, we have demonstrated for the first time that it is feasible to identify the hydrologic connectivity and the topographic features of the urban areas and the wildlandaurban interface (WUI) areas.
Key Accomplishments
Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of project
Threshold Categories
Water Quality
No Key Photo provided for this Project
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $132,503 (Estimated Cost: $132,503)