Lake Tahoe EIP

Document Adaptation Strategies and Predict Effects of Climate Change on Forest Composition and Health (Vegetation and Wildlife)

Project Number
Action Priority
Conduct Applied Scientific Research
U.S. Forest Service - Pacific Southwest Research Station
Primary Contact
Pat Manley (
Science Program Conduct Applied Scientific Research
Proposed research projects should conduct new research and/or synthesize previous research to: (1) establish the potential range of key climate conditions relevant to ecological processes and biological communities in the Tahoe basin; (2) identify which ecological processes and biological communities in the Tahoe Basin are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change; (3) evaluate the effects of Basin-specific adaptation strategies and treatments to conserve particular ecological processes and biological communities; and/or (4) guide the temporal and spatial design of forest treatments to avoid unacceptable ecological impacts while promoting long-term desired conditions (particularly in

Key Accomplishments

Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of project

Threshold Categories

No Threshold Categories provided

No Key Photo provided for this Project



No expenditures provided


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Project Fact Sheet Data as of 04/25/2024