Lake Tahoe EIP

South Shore Microtransit Electrification

Project Number
Action Priority
Build and Enhance Transit Systems
City of South Lake Tahoe
Primary Contact
Sara Letton (
2023 - 2025
Transportation Program Build and Enhance Transit Systems
The City of South Lake Tahoe has partnered with the South Shore Transit Management Association to help facilitate the transition of the Lake Link microtransit fleet to electric. Dedicated overnight parking and Level 2 and Level 3 chargers are necessary to ensure success. The City has an aspirational goal to achieve 24/7 carbon free energy by 2030 and seeks to support Level 2 charging with solar and battery for 100% local carbon free overnight charging at a "Microtransit EV Charging Base Station". The Level 3 charging will be for on-route charging as needed. The project takes an innovative technology approach to tracking carbon intensity of the fleet toward 24/7 hourly certification.

Key Accomplishments

Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of project

Threshold Categories

  • Air Quality
  • Transportation and Sustainable Communities

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Project Fact Sheet Data as of 07/27/2024