Lake Tahoe EIP

Meyers Corridor Operational Improvement Project

Project Number
Action Priority
Build and Enhance Transit Systems
El Dorado County, CA
Primary Contact
Donaldo Palaroan (
2007 - 2030
Transportation Program Build and Enhance Transit Systems
The project includes the planning, design, and construction of a multimodal complete streets strategy within the 1.3 mile stretch of the Meyers corridor along US Highway 50/State Route 89. It will accomplish complete streets by enhancing and improving intersections, adding lighting, signage, landscaping and reduce reliance on the private automobile, provide multimodal transportation improvements like visible crosswalks for bicycle and pedestrian movements, providing for future growth for transit facilities to enhance circulation and provide opportunities to experience Meyers as a pedestrian or cyclist.

Key Accomplishments

Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of project

Threshold Categories

  • Air Quality
Along US Hwy 50/ State Route 89, south of Pioneer Trail
(Timing: Before) (~31 KB)
Credit: MBeryl Along US Hwy 50/ State Route 89, south of Pioneer Trail
