Lake Tahoe EIP

Phase I Restoration and Recovery of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in the Tahoe Basin.

Project Number
Action Priority
Restore and Protect Native Fish and Wildlife
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Primary Contact
Roy Ulibarri (
2019 - 2026
Forest Restoration Program Restore and Protect Native Fish and Wildlife
Phase I will focus on informing reintroduction strategies for lacustrine LCT to restore a native fishery of the world’s largest inland cutthroat and assess LCT habitat use. Based on research from the 2012 ecosystem study LCT will be stocked in the southwest area of Lake Tahoe to assess reintroduction strategies and increase recreational fishing opportunities. The study will examine habitat use, distribution and movement patterns by reintroduced LCT, use of nearshore refugia from nonnative lake trout and begin a lake wide, multiple agency assessment of Lake Tahoe tributaries to determine potential spawning areas and mechanisms for minimizing hybridization with nonnative rainbow trout.

Key Accomplishments

Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of project

Threshold Categories

  • Fisheries
  • Recreation

No Key Photo provided for this Project



No expenditures provided


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Project Fact Sheet Data as of 04/25/2024