U.S. Forest Service - Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
Primary Contact
Emma Williams (emma.williams@usda.gov)
2024 - 2030
Forest Restoration Program
Restore Native Vegetation and Forest Communities
Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) is a federally threatened conifer that grows in mixed conifer and subalpine forests across western North America. It provides high value wildlife habitat, modulates spring runoff, and stabilizes slopes. Threats include climate change, wildfire, mountain pine beetle outbreaks, and white pine blister rust. Collection of cones from apparent blister rust resistance trees is needed to screen for blister rust resistance and identify future operational cone collection trees. This project would involve cone production surveys, cone caging, and cone collection. Cones would subsequently be sent to USFS Nursery Facility to conduct white pine blister rust screening.
Key Accomplishments
Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of project