Lake Tahoe EIP

Kings Beach Western Approach

Project Number
Action Priority
Reduce Stormwater Pollution From: Roads and Highways, Forest Roads, Public and Private Parcels
Placer County, CA
Primary Contact
Andy Deinken (
2016 - 2027
Stormwater Management Program Reduce Stormwater Pollution From: Roads and Highways, Forest Roads, Public and Private Parcels
Multi-benefit project improving the mobility, walkability, water quality improvements and sustainability at the SR 267/SR 28 intersection. The existing signalized intersection at State Route (SR) 267 and SR 28 in Kings Beach limits vehicular flow during higher traffic volume periods. The project would convert the intersection to a roundabout considered to be an improvement in mobility, safety and efficiency, and LOS. Includes enhanced public transit access, sidewalks, bike lanes (Class II ) connection. Project components will include acquisition of private ROW to meet goals and objectives.

Key Accomplishments

Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of project

Threshold Categories

  • Air Quality
  • Recreation
  • Scenic Resources
  • Soil Conservation
  • Water Quality
Kings Beach Western Approach Concept
(Timing: After) (~202 KB)
Credit: Placer County Kings Beach Western Approach Concept



Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $2,627,366
(Estimated Cost: $14,222,000)
Placer County General Fund (PLCO): $850,000

Placer County Transient Occup... (PLCO): $286,171

California Active Transpo... (Caltrans): $33,883

Surface Transportation Block ... (FHWA): $1,457,312


No additional photos provided

Project Fact Sheet Data as of 07/26/2024