Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Linear Feet of Stream Channel Restored or Enhanced
Performance Measure 7 - Linear Feet of Stream Channel Restored or Enhanced
Definition The length of stream channel that is restored or enhanced to regain natural or historic function and support species that rely on that habitat. Actions include stream channel reconstruction, creation or improvement of riparian corridor buffers and road crossing improvements. The goals of all actions are to enhance ecosystem health, benefit recreational use and improve water quality.
Units linear feet
Primary Program Watershed Restoration Program
Critical Definitions

Enhanced – Habitat is considered enhanced when actions are taken that heighten, intensify or improve one or more existing habitat functions for the benefit of special status species.

Restored – Habitat is considered restored when actions have been taken that re-establish or substantially rehabilitate that habitat with the goal of returning natural or historic functions and characteristics.

Special status species – Any species in the Tahoe Basin that is listed as threatened, endangered, sensitive or petitioned at the federal, state or regional level, or are included in the USFS list of sensitive species, species of concern, or species of interest, or included in TRPA’s threshold species list. Species may be listed because of low population or distribution, declining abundance or other factors.

Stream habitat – Any of the 64 established Tahoe watershed streams is considered stream habitat. The length of stream channel restored or enhanced is measured for this PM, but work done on land surrounding the channel is not counted (and is instead covered in the Acres of Habitat Restored or Enhanced PM). 

Accounting Period and Scale

This information is entered into the EIP Database by the implementing agency’s project manager after completing field operations on the project and before the end of December of that year. Projects that take place over more than one year report project length completed during each year by December 31st of that year.

Project Reporting
Project Reporting Guidance not yet defined
Subcategory Subcategory Options
Action Performed
Enhanced, Restored
Watershed 66 options defined for this subcategory
Performance Measure Results
By: Action Performed
Show Results: By Year
EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
01.02 - Watershed Restoration Program

The subcategory Action Performed allows this performance measure to report both restoration and enhancement activities, preventing the need for an additional PM.

The definitions of “restore” and “enhance” are challenging to differentiate in some cases, and also vary across agencies. To ensure the consistent reporting of actions for this and other PMs, a decision will be made by the TIE-SC to determine how this challenge will be addressed. Three options are currently being considered:

(1) Work to make the definitions in Section 5.1 as clear and distinct as possible, and report based on them
(2) Let each agency use its own definitions of “restore” and “enhance” to report on this and other PMs
(3) Track restoration and enhancement activities together, and remove the subcategory that differentiates between them.

To effectively and comprehensively report accomplishments related to ecosystem restoration and special status species, it may be useful to combine information from this PM with information from the following related PMs:
o Special Status Species Sites Protected or Re-Established
o Acres of Habitat Restored or Enhanced
o Acres of Habitat Protected