Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Miles of Utility Lines Buried Underground
Performance Measure 31 - Miles of Utility Lines Buried Underground
Definition Miles of overhead utility lines that have been buried underground along scenic roadways in the Tahoe Basin. Lake Tahoe's scenic design standards ensure opportunities for residents and visitors to view and photograph the Tahoe Basin's natural scenic resources while driving on the region's highways. Reducing the visual dominance of structures along roadways, including utility lines, improves the scenic quality of the Tahoe Basin and enhances Lake Tahoe as a recreation and tourist attraction.
Units miles
Critical Definitions

Utility: A public or quasi-public entity which provides gas, water, electricity, cable TV, telephone or similar services.

Utility Line: Cable, line or wire for transmitting electrical energy and communication systems.

Scenic Roadway Unit and Corridor: Roadway which has been determined to have outstanding scenic value. The scenic corridor includes the roadway right-of-way and extends 100 feet perpendicularly from the edge of the right-of-way boundary.

Scenic Best Management Practices (BMPs): Scenic BMPs are mitigation measures that reduce the visual impact of structures to promote threshold attainment. This includes the use of landscaping, building design, glass treatment, articulation, color, texture, screening, and other such techniques.

Accounting Period and Scale

Information for this PM should be compiled during the year and entered into the EIP Database by the implementing entity’s reporting manager by December 31st of that year. EIP managers will start compiling reported data in October and will continue through December each year. Any information reported after December 31st will not be included in that year’s reporting totals.

Accomplishments should be tracked for installations of new utility lines buried underground, as well as existing lines retrofitted underground. The reporting unit for this PM is the number of miles of utility lines placed underground.

Bundles of multiple lines should account for a single unit of lines buried, regardless of how many individual cables are undergrounded. For example, one mile of 10 bundled communication cables and 12 power conductors undergrounded equals one mile of utility lines buried underground.  

Project Reporting
Project Reporting Guidance not yet defined
Subcategory Subcategory Options
Unit Attainment Status
Attainment, Non-Attainment
Scenic Roadway Unit 38 options defined for this subcategory
Performance Measure Results
By: Unit Attainment Status
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No programs set for this performance measure.


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