Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Phosphorous Load Reduction
Performance Measure 3 - Phosphorous Load Reduction
Definition The estimated amount of phosphorus prevented from entering Tahoe Basin urban stormwater, based on the guidelines laid out in the Lake Clarity Crediting Program Handbook. Phosphorus load reduction is defined as the number of kilograms of phosphorus removed. Reduction in phosphorus reduces the growth of algae and improves Lake Tahoe clarity.
Units pounds
Primary Program Stormwater Management Program
Critical Definitions

Catchment-scale tracking – Pollutant load reductions are tracked at the scale of a water quality catchment rather than on a project-by-project basis. This approach is in contrast to most other EIP PMs, which are tracked in relationship to specific projects. This difference in approach is necessary because the currently available Tahoe-customized load estimating tools are scaled to the catchment so that they can provide the most accurate load estimates for urban jurisdictions. Catchment-scale tracking allows reporting of accomplishments under the EIP Stormwater Management subprogram but will not allow specific action priorities (e.g. Reducing Stormwater Pollution from Local Roads) to be resolved, because of limitations in the current reporting methods. Additionally, load reductions are only tracked for the urban portion of catchments; non-urban load reductions are not currently addressed.

Load reduction – The difference between the estimated average annual amount of pollutants entering Lake Tahoe under standard baseline conditions (as defined in the Lake Clarity Crediting Program Handbook), and the estimated average annual amount of pollutants entering the lake under current conditions resulting from water quality improvement projects.

Urban jurisdiction – These include counties, state highway departments and cities within the Tahoe Basin.

Accounting Period and Scale

Phosphorus reductions are tracked annually by each jurisdiction, based on information from the Annual Credit Summary generated by the Accounting and Tracking Tool. Load reductions are calculated at the catchment scale.

Project Reporting

This PM tracks load reduction achieved based on actual conditions and credits awarded each year, and not on estimated load reductions anticipated in the Catchment Credit Schedule. A project is reportable to the EIP when the catchment in which it is located is registered in the Credit Accounting Platform (CAP) according to the guidelines described in the Lake Clarity Crediting Program Handbook.

Subcategory Subcategory Options
California Department of Transportation, City of South Lake Tahoe, Douglas County, NV, El Dorado County, CA, Nevada Department of Transportation, Placer County, CA, Washoe County, NV
Pollutant Control Type
Road Operations, Treatment/Parcel BMPs
Performance Measure Results
By: Pollutant Control Type
Show Results: By Year
By: Jurisdiction
Show Results: By Year
EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
01.01 - Stormwater Management Program

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