Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Facilities Improved or Created
Performance Measure 29 - Facilities Improved or Created
Definition The number of educational, recreational, lakefront or transit facilities improved or created in the Tahoe Basin each year. This PM works towards the desired condition of providing recreational opportunities while sustaining Lake Tahoe's natural setting as an outstanding recreational destination. It also measures service provided for educating the public about the unique natural and cultural elements of the Tahoe Basin.
Units number
Primary Program Sustainable Recreation Program
Critical Definitions

Facility – A physical structure or designated site developed to accommodate users by providing public access, recreational opportunities, or educational and interpretive materials and displays. This is different than a program, which is a planned series of events, materials or presentations that provides the public with the knowledge to understand natural resource issues and the skills to participate meaningfully in the debates that surround them For example, an educational facility could be an environmental education center or trail signage, while an educational program could be a series of campfire presentations to students. See Educational and Interpretive Programs Produced PM for full definition.

Created – Facilities are considered created when a new facility is constructed or designated on a previously unoccupied or privately owned site. 

Improved – Facilities are considered improved when an action is taken to enhance an existing facility for the benefit of public use. Improvements do not include routine maintenance. A facility is considered improved with the inclusion or improvement of one or more new amenities (see Amenities definition below).

Amenities – Items that are conducive to the comfort, convenience or enjoyment of facilities. Amenities are not counted as facilities by themselves, but are used to create new or improve existing facilities. Amenities include but are not limited to fences, lighting systems, drinking water fountains, picnic tables, benches, refuse containers, bike racks, trellises, educational displays, playgrounds, parking lots with less than 8 spaces and restrooms under 500 sq. ft.

Facility Types

The following types of facilities define the unit of performance for this PM – a building & grounds, designated area, miscellaneous structure, trail/path or system facility created or improved. Only physical structures or designated areas that are designed to support public access, recreational opportunities, or educational materials are counted as a facility. See the Notes section of this document for additional information regarding facilities definitions.

  • Building & Grounds – A physical structure with a roof and walls with a gross floor area over 500 sq. ft, and its surrounding lands as defined by the property boundary. A building must be at a permanent location and a complete structure – the structure cannot be modular or moved to another location in the future. Building & grounds facilities include visitor’s centers, environmental education centers, bus stations, libraries, ice rinks, and ski lodges.
  • Designated Area – An open area of land larger than 2,500 linear ft. delineated to provide public access, or recreational or educational opportunities. Designated area facilities include public beaches, parks, campgrounds, parking lots with 8 or more parking spaces, ski runs and areas of historical significance.
  • Miscellaneous Structure – A physical structure without a roof and walls. Miscellaneous structure facilities include boat launches, dams, public use piers, and uncovered swimming pools. 
  • Trail & Path – An established path, track or other route used for travel that is 0.25 miles or longer. Trail & Path facilities include hiking paths, biking trails and paths, horseback riding trails, OHV trails, pedestrian walkways and access roads. Trail & Path facilities do not include state and local roads or highways, since these are not designed to enable public access specifically for recreation or education. 

Facility Purpose

The intended purpose of the facility, which allows for reporting of accomplishments for the different action priorities under the Recreation Program. The same facility may qualify for multiple purposes. For example, a public beach could be both a recreational facility and a lakefront access facility.

  • Recreation – Any activity performed during one's leisure or free time. Recreational activities are often done for amusement, enjoyment or pleasure. Recreational facilities are defined by their purpose of providing recreational opportunities for the public, and include beaches, boat launches, swimming pools, baseball fields, ice rinks, campgrounds, ski lodges, etc.
  • Transit – The carrying of people, goods or materials from one place to another. Transit facilities are defined by their purpose of providing transportation, and include bus shelters and benches, bus stations, “Park and Ride” lots, bicycle and pedestrian paths, etc.
  • Lakefront Access – An area along the shoreline that allows for public use of Lake Tahoe and its beaches. Does not include shoreline areas along other lakes in the Tahoe Basin. Lakefront access facilities are defined by their location along the shoreline, and include shoreline parks, public beaches, public use piers, etc.
  • Education/Interpretation – The process of providing each visitor an opportunity to personally connect with a place. The goal of all interpretive services is to increase each visitor's enjoyment and understanding of a natural area. Educational or interpretive facilities are defined by their purpose of educating the public, and include improved educational signage along trails, environmental education centers, visitor centers, etc.
Accounting Period and Scale

Information for this PM should be entered into the EIP Database by the implementing entity’s project manager within 30 days of completing construction on the project. Projects taking place over more than one year should report the number of facilities completed by December 31st of each year. EIP managers will start compiling reported data in October and will continue through December each year. Any information reported after December 31st will not be included in that year’s reporting totals.

Project Reporting
Project Reporting Guidance not yet defined
Subcategory Subcategory Options
Primary Facility Type
Buildings & Grounds, Designated Areas, Miscellaneous Structures, Trails & Paths
Action Performed
Created, Improved
Primary Purpose of Facility
Education/Interpretation, Lakefront Access, Recreation, Transit
Performance Measure Results
By: Primary Purpose of Facility
Show Results: By Year
By: Primary Facility Type
Show Results: By Year
By: Action Performed
Show Results: By Year
EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
03.01 - Sustainable Recreation Program

A unit of performance for this PM is defined by the Primary Facility Type subcategory. Each building & grounds, designated area, miscellaneous structure, trail & path and/or system created or improved under a completed EIP project should be reported. However, facility types often overlap, and multiple facilities can be reported for any individual project. Reporting entities should use their best judgment to list each primary facility type created or improved under an EIP project. One exception occurs when a facility is created or improved on an existing designated area facility. To avoid double counting, only the non-designated area facility should be reported. Several examples of overlapping facility types are included below for illustrative purposes.

  • A new ski lodge (buildings & grounds facility) is built on an existing ski resort (designated area facility). The reporting entity should report one building & grounds facility created but not report that a designated area facility was also improved under the same project.
  • New trailhead markers are added to hiking trails (trails & paths facility) in a public campground (designated area facility). The reporting entity should report one trails & paths facility improved, but not the public campground designated use facility. The trailhead markers are amenities, not facilities, and should not be reported. 
  • A new 3,000 sq ft bus station is constructed, with landscaping, bike racks, and a large parking lot with 20 spaces. The reporting entity should report one buildings & grounds facility (bus station) created and one designated area (parking lot) created. The bike racks and landscaping are amenities, not facilities, and should not be reported.
  • A new public park is established, which includes two miles of walking trails, interpretive signs, a public boat launch, picnic tables and small restrooms (under 500 sq ft). The reporting entity should report one designated area facility created (public park), one trails facility created (walking trails) and one miscellaneous structure created (boat launch).