Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Educational and Interpretive Programs Produced
Performance Measure 28 - Educational and Interpretive Programs Produced
Definition Number of educational, interpretive and technical assistance programs implemented in the Tahoe Basin each year. Educational & Interpretive Programs are produced to encourage understanding, appreciation, and appropriate behaviors concerning the Tahoe Basin's unique natural and cultural resources.
Units number
Primary Program Sustainable Recreation Program
Critical Definitions

Educational & Interpretive Program – A planned series of events, materials or presentations that provides the public with the knowledge to understand natural resource issues and the skills to participate meaningfully in the debates that surround them. An interpretation program enhances recreational activities while an environmental education program should be a more formal learning experience. To be considered a program, a candidate needs to have sufficient funding, be fully operational and intended to reach multiple people. This is different than a facility, which may be interpretive but is a static structure. For example, an educational facility could be an environmental education center or trail signage, while an educational program could be a series of campfire presentations about natural history. See Facilities Improved or Created PM for a full definition of a facility.

  • Interpretive Program - The goal of interpretive programs is to increase each visitor's enjoyment and understanding of a natural area; it encourages stewardship of natural resources by facilitating meaningful, memorable visitor experiences. Interpretive programs are focused on recreation and designed to enhance the quality of the recreational experience of the visitor. These programs tend to be voluntary, located in recreational settings and cover a period of two hours to half a day. This short timeframe means that interpretive services often do not result in significant behavior change among participants.
  • Educational Program – The main objective of an educational program is to provide a structured learning experience, such as in a classroom. Environmental education tends to be associated with formal institutions that require students to participate in a sequential learning process curriculum, and development is based on the premise that a student becomes invested in environmental issues over time.  Research in the field of environmental education demonstrates that it can effectively impact an individual's attitude and behavior toward the environment.

Technical Assistance Program – EIP partners provide technical assistance to property owners, businesses and local agencies in developing and implementing EIP projects. Technical Assistance programs provide highly skilled staff support and education to the general public on defensible space, water quality best management practices and invasive species projects.

Produced – An Educational & Interpretive Program is considered produced when a new program has been funded, created materials, designed a curriculum, and has created and distributed or conducted at least one event, material or presentation.

Delivered - An Educational & Interpretive Program is considered delivered when an established program that has already been produced is delivered for an additional reporting period. A program is considered delivered for each reporting period in which it continues to have funding, creates materials, and creates and distributes or conducts at least one event, material or presentation. 

Accounting Period and Scale

Information on educational and interpretive programs produced during the year should be entered into the EIP Database by the implementing entity’s program manager by December 31st of that year. EIP managers will start compiling reported data in October and will continue through December each year. Any information reported after December 31st will not be included in that year’s reporting totals.

Project Reporting
Project Reporting Guidance not yet defined
Subcategory Subcategory Options
Program Objective
Education and Interpretation, Technical Assistance
Program Status
Delivered, Produced
Primary EIP Program
Stormwater Management, Watershed Restoration, Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species, Invasive Species, Forest Ecosystem Health and Hazardous Fuels Reduction, Transportation, Sustainable Recreation, Stewardship, Applied Science Program, Program Support, Reporting, and Technical Assistance
Performance Measure Results
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By: Primary EIP Program
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EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
03.01 - Sustainable Recreation Program

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