Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Miles of Trails Developed or Improved
Performance Measure 26 - Miles of Trails Developed or Improved
Definition Miles of hiking, bicycle and other mixed-use recreational trails improved or constructed in the Tahoe Basin each year. Trails provide recreational access and connect public lands to Tahoe communities. This PM works towards the desired condition of providing recreational opportunities while sustaining Lake Tahoe's natural setting as an outstanding recreational destination. This PM is distinct from the Miles of Transit Paths Improved or Constructed PM, which is focused on transportation rather than recreation and access to public lands.
Units miles
Primary Program Sustainable Recreation Program
Critical Definitions

Trail – An established path, track or other route intended to provide recreation and access to public or private lands. This includes hiking, mountain bike, off-highway vehicle, horseback riding and mixed-use trails.  

Recreation – Any activity performed during one's leisure or free time. Recreational activities are often done for amusement, enjoyment or pleasure.

Developed – Trails are considered developed when a new trail is constructed on a previously unoccupied site. 

Improved – Trails are considered improved when an action is taken to enhance an existing trail for the benefit of outdoor recreation. Actions to improve trails include constructing bridges, improving stormwater drainage, and trail grooming. Adding new amenities like signage, kiosks, and interpretive displays also qualifies as an improvement action.

Accounting Period and Scale

Information for this PM should be entered into the EIP Database by the implementing entity’s project manager within 30 days of completing construction on the project. Projects taking place over more than one year should report the miles of bicycle and pedestrian routes paths created or improved by December 31st of each reporting year. EIP managers will begin compiling reported data in October each year.

Accomplishments for this PM should be reported separately from the Miles of Transit Paths Created or Improved PM accomplishments. The differences between these two PMs are outlined below:

  • Pedestrian & Bicycle Route – An established path, track or other route intended to provide transportation between local neighborhoods and communities. This includes shared use paths, bike lanes, signed shared roadways and sidewalks (TMPO & TRPA, 2010). 
  • Recreational Trail - An established path, track or other route intended to provide recreation and access to public land, private land and lakes in the Tahoe Basin.  This includes hiking paths, biking trails, horseback riding trails, OHV trails, etc.

The reportable unit for this PM is miles of trails. Singular actions impacting less than 500ft of a recreational trail should not be reported. For example, moving one large rock from a trail would not be reported. However, if moving that rock was part of trail grooming project that impacted whole segments of the trail, the length of trail improved should be reported. Similarly, new trails should only be reported if they are greater than 500 ft in length. 

Project Reporting
Project Reporting Guidance not yet defined
Subcategory Subcategory Options
Action Performed
Developed, Improved
Performance Measure Results
By: Action Performed
Show Results: By Year
EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
03.01 - Sustainable Recreation Program

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