Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Parcels Inspected for Defensible Space
Performance Measure 20 - Parcels Inspected for Defensible Space
Definition The number of private parcels (developed and vacant) and urban public developed parcels in Tahoe Basin urban core areas that have been inspected for defensible space regulations. Creating defensible space on parcels and around structures aims to reduce the spread of fire between vegetation and structures, and the risk of loss from catastrophic wildfire. Ensuring that parcels have defensible space works toward achieving the Tahoe Basin's Hazardous Fuels desired condition.
Units number
Primary Program Community Wildfire Protection Program
Critical Definitions

Defensible space – An area around structures that is landscaped to reduce fire risk. In California, Public Resource Code 4291 and California Code of Regulations §1299 describe the defensible space requirements for all non-federal parcels. In Nevada, all developed lots should have defensible space as described in Living With Fire.

Urban core – The urban core area encompasses all developed lots in the State Responsibility Area (non-federal and non-city lands). Parcels within the urban core that have structures are subject to the defensible space regulations. 

Accounting Period and Scale

Representatives from the fire districts and departments track the number of parcels within their districts that are treated for defensible space. These representatives enter this information into the EIP Database at any time during the year, but all information for a given year must be entered by the end of December of that year. 

Project Reporting
Project Reporting Guidance not yet defined
Subcategory Subcategory Options
Parcel Fire District or Department
Cal Fire - Amador El Dorado Unit, Cal Fire - Yuba Placer Unit, City of South Lake Tahoe FD, Fallen Leaf FD, Lake Valley FPD, Meeks Bay FPD, North Lake Tahoe FPD, North Tahoe FPD, Tahoe-Douglas FPD
Performance Measure Results
By: Parcel Fire District or Department
Show Results: By Year
EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
02.01 - Community Wildfire Protection Program

The Parcels Treated for Defensible Space Performance Measure covers defensible space around structures on urban parcels. For accomplishments relating to the wild-urban interface, community defensible space, and the general forest, refer to the Acres of Forest Fuels Reduction Treatments Performance Measure.