Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Acres of Invasive Species Inventoried
Performance Measure 18 - Acres of Invasive Species Inventoried
Definition Area of the Tahoe Basin checked for terrestrial and aquatic invasive species. Strong surveillance enables strategic use of resources to fight invasive species. For instance, early detection of new locations facilitates the targeting of treatment, reducing the cost and increasing the effectiveness of control efforts.
Units acres
Primary Program Aquatic Invasive Species Program
Critical Definitions

Inventory – To create a catalog by identifying, mapping, surveying, rating and classifying based on threat level, probability of successful control efforts, present distribution and recommended management action. Inventory ratings reflect importance of the pest, the likelihood that eradication and control efforts will be successful, and the present distribution of the pest.

Invasive Species – Species, both aquatic and terrestrial, that establish and reproduce rapidly outside of their native range and may threaten the diversity or abundance of native species through competition for  resources, predation, parasitism, hybridization with native populations, introduction of pathogens, or physical or chemical alteration of the invaded habitat.

Accounting Period and Scale

The Lake Tahoe Basin Invasive Weed Coordinating Group and the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinating Committee conduct or coordinate annual invasive species inventories in the Tahoe Basin in accordance with the Lake Tahoe Regional AIS Management Plan and other reports. These groups report results from annual inventories into the EIP Database either by December 31st of each reporting year or as individual inventories are completed throughout the year. 

Project Reporting

The areas inventoried for invasive species are often much larger than the areas that are infested, which are tracked under the New Invasive Species Locations Detected Performance Measure.

Subcategory Subcategory Options
Invasive Species Type
Aquatic, Terrestrial
Performance Measure Results
By: Invasive Species Type
Show Results: By Year
EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
01.03 - Aquatic Invasive Species Program

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