Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Fish Planted
Performance Measure 14 - Fish Planted
Definition Number of special status species fish released into Tahoe Basin lakes, rivers and streams for the purpose of recovery and re-establishment of self-sustaining populations of these species. Reestablishment will support popular recreational fisheries in the Tahoe Basin.
Units number
Primary Program Forest Restoration Program
Critical Definitions

Fish planting – Fish planting, also known as stocking, is the practice of raising fish in a hatchery and releasing them into a river, lake, or the ocean to supplement existing populations, or to create a population where none exists. Stocking may be done for the benefit of commercial, recreational, or tribal fishing, but may also be done to restore or increase a population of threatened or endangered fish in a body of water closed to fishing.

Special status species – Any species in the Tahoe Basin that is 1) listed as threatened, endangered, or sensitive or 2) is petitioned at the federal, state or regional level. Special status species may alternatively be included in either 1) the USFS list of sensitive species, species of concern or species of interest, or 2) TRPA’s threshold species list. 

Accounting Period and Scale

State and federal agencies, including the California Department of Fish and Game and the Nevada Department of Wildlife, conduct fish plantings in key habitats throughout the Tahoe Basin, including Lake Tahoe. These agencies will report the results of these efforts into the EIP Database within 30 days of completing each individual stocking effort. Projects that take place over more than one year should report accomplishments by December 31st of each reporting year. Multi-year fish stocking efforts should report annual accomplishments by December 31st each year.  

Project Reporting
Project Reporting Guidance not yet defined
Subcategory Subcategory Options
Species Type
Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, Non-sensitive species, Other sensitive species
Purpose of Planting
Recreation, Recovery
Location of Planting
Fallen Leaf Lake, Lake Tahoe, Other Lake
Performance Measure Results
By: Species Type
Show Results: By Year
By: Purpose of Planting
Show Results: By Year
By: Location of Planting
Show Results: By Year
EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
02.02 - Forest Restoration Program

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