Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Acres of Habitat Restored or Enhanced
Performance Measure 12 - Acres of Habitat Restored or Enhanced
Definition Amount of habitat that is restored or enhanced in order to regain natural or historic function or characteristics to support native species. The goals of restoring and enhancing habitat are multi-faceted, but focus on ensuring the sustainability of habitats of significance and the processes that support them.
Units acres
Primary Program Forest Restoration Program
Critical Definitions

Enhanced – Habitat is considered enhanced when actions are taken that heighten, intensify or improve one or more existing habitat functions for the benefit of special status species.

Restored – Habitat is considered restored when actions have been taken that re-establish or substantially rehabilitate that habitat with the goal of returning natural or historic functions and characteristics.

Special status species – Any species in the Tahoe Basin that is listed as threatened, endangered, sensitive or petitioned at the federal, state or regional level, or are included in the USFS list of sensitive species, species of concern, or species of interest, or included in TRPA’s threshold species list. Species may be listed because of low population or distribution, declining abundance or other factors.

Accounting Period and Scale

Information for this PM is entered into the EIP Database by the implementing agency’s project manager after completing field operations on each project, and by the end of December of the year. Projects that take place over more than one year should report project area completed in each year by December 31st of that year.

Project Reporting
Project Reporting Guidance not yet defined
Subcategory Subcategory Options
Habitat Type
Aspen, Forested Upland, Lake, Late-Seral/Old Growth, SEZ/Wetland, Sugar Pine Forest, Wet Meadows
Action Performed
Enhanced, Restored
Performance Measure Results
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EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
02.02 - Forest Restoration Program

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