Lake Tahoe EIP
Performance Measure Info Sheet
Acres of Habitat Protected
Performance Measure 11 - Acres of Habitat Protected
Definition Amount of occupied or potentially suitable habitat that is protected for the benefit of one or more special status species. Protective actions include land acquisition, physical barriers, visitor education and regulations. Actions taken to protect special status species or habitats of special significance work toward ensuring the sustainability of native species and the environmental conditions and processes that support them.
Units acres
Primary Program Forest Restoration Program
Critical Definitions

Habitat management – Performing necessary actions in special status species habitat in such a way as to cause a minimum of disturbance. Habitat management actions include removing of debris non-mechanically and preventing the introduction of invasive species.

Protected – Special status species habitat is protected when measures are implemented to ensure that no activity causes the loss of any component of the habitat critical to the survival of a special status species. Actions that protect special status species include: installing appropriate fencing, implementing visitor education and control, acquiring land or easements, imposing and enforcing regulatory restrictions, minimizing disturbance.

Special status species – Any species of plant or animal that is:

  • Listed as threatened, endangered, sensitive or petitioned at the federal, state or regional level
  • Included in the USFS Biological Species Lists
  • Included in TRPA’s threshold species list
  • Included in the EIP update document’s list of “other priority species”

Species may be listed because of low population or distribution, declining abundance or other factors that lead them to require special consideration for protection and to maintain biodiversity.

Accounting Period and Scale

Projects implemented to protect habitat for special status species sites are reported once the project is complete, and progress made in each year should be recorded in the EIP Database before the end of December of that year. 

Project Reporting

A project is considered complete and reportable when a protective measure such as a barrier, regulation or land acquisition transaction has been implemented, or when educational material has been distributed. 

Subcategory Subcategory Options
Habitat Type
Aspen, Forested Upland, Lake, Late-Seral/Old Growth, SEZ/Wetland, Sugar Pine Forest, Wet Meadows
EIP Focal Species
Aspen (Populus tremuloides), Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi), Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata), Other priority species
Performance Measure Results
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By: EIP Focal Species
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EIP Program Is Primary EIP Program
02.02 - Forest Restoration Program

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